

The Writing Center is helpful with any form of assistance for projects at any stage of development. Go to 801 Gruening Building. You can visit the Writing Center website at

Rural Student Services is an academic advising department that supports students who have spent much of their lives in rural areas across Alaska. Rural Student Services provides tutoring in writing and other subjects. They’re located at 202 Brooks Building and online at

Student Support Services offers academic advising, mentoring and tutoring to low-income, first-generation students and students with disabilities. More information is available in their office at 512 Gruening Building or online at

Disability Services assists students who might experience physical or emotional learning barriers. You can visit their office at 208 Whitaker Building or their website at I’ll work to ensure that all students have equal access and that accommodations are kept confidential.

Student Health and Counseling Center provides medical care and assessments. The Counseling Center in particular can assist with learning barriers such as relationship stress, anxiety or depression, alcohol or drug problems, and difficulty concentrating or lack of motivation. You can learn more about these services in their office at 203 Whitaker Building or at